What are ADA Compliant Table Bases?
TableLegs Online now offers ADA compliant table bases. But what is the ADA and what does it have to do with table bases? Don't worry, it's not complicated.
What is the ADA?
ADA compliant table bases follow the standards of the Americans with Disability Act. This act is the "Federal civil rights law that prohibits the exclusion of people with disabilities from everyday activities such as buying an item at the store, watching a movie in a theater, enjoying a meal at a local restaurant, exercising at the local health club or having the car serviced at a local garage". This means that these places and services must have table bases that follow the regulations of the ADA. An example of a table that follows ADA requirements is shown below.
Each of the ADA requirements for table bases is important. The minimum table height ensures that people who use wheelchairs can fit their wheelchair comfortably under the table. The knee clearance requirements make sure that people will have enough room to spread their legs. Finally, the floor area requirement assures that the table area will provide enough space and not feel cramped. It's easy to meet these requirements and creates a comfortable environment for all customers.
Why Small Businesses Should Have ADA Compliant Table Bases
ADA Compliant End Base
ADA Compliant T-Base[/caption] The cast iron ADA Compliant End Base and the cast iron ADA Compliant T-Base, offered by TableLegs Online, both meet the requirements of the ADA. With table bases made to meet the regulations, you can avoid the hassle of measuring them yourself. When starting a small business, you have a lot to think about, but make sure that following ADA regulations and making all of your guests comfortable are on the top of your list. Whether it's a restaurant or a small business, this will save you some time and assure that Americans with disabilities get to enjoy their daily lives just as much as anyone else. To learn more about the ADA regulations for small businesses and how to follow them, check out these sites: ADA Guide Lines Small business restaurants Guide Lines