Furniture That Will Break Your Bank Account
Think about the most expensive piece of furniture you've ever purchased. How much did it set you back? Hundreds, thousands of dollars? The following 11 pieces of furniture will have you thinking twice about how much humans value luxury.
From: Tom Faulkner
Here is the most expensive furniture from Tom Faulkner
Have I peaked your curiosity? Here's the price of each furniture piece converted into today's U.S. Dollars:
Vividus Matress = $38,998.75
Archeo Copper Bathtub = $46,798.50
Parnian Desk = $139,281.25
Pininfarina's Aresline Xten = $1,036,252.50
Ruijssenaars Magnetic Floating Bed = $1,114,250
The Tufft Table = $3,231,325
Harrington Commode = $4,234,150
Baldacchino Supreme = $4,457,000
Goddard-Townsend Antique Secretary Desk = $8,356,875
The Dragons Chair = $19,833,650
Badminton Cabinet = $21,170,750
By: Luis Leonzo